Authorship: Step-By-Step & Troubleshooting SMX – Live Tweeting

Authorship: Step-By-Step & Troubleshooting
Authorship – the ability of a search engine to recognize and associate an author with his/her published work – has emerged as an important ranking factor and a way that search engines combat spam. Our experts will explain how to properly set up authorship to trigger author headshots and related rich snippets in search results, and discuss common authorship implementation errors and how to correct them.

Moderator: , Director of Audience Development, Third Door Media, Inc. ()

Q&A Coordinator: , Director of Digital Outreach, Virante, Inc. ()


, Director of SEO and Social Media, Advance Digital ()
, President and CEO, Search Mojo ()
, Webmaster Trends Analyst, Google ()
, Executive Director of Search, Social Media, ABC News ()

Jim Hedger

Jim Hedger is an organic SEO and digital marketing specialist. Jim has been involved in the online marketing industry since 1998 and a SEO since 1999. Best known as a broadcaster, interviewer, content writer and search industry commentator, Jim is a frequent conference speaker and organizer. He hosts the search focused radio show Webcology on WebmasterRadio.FM and is a WebmasterRadio.FM conference interviewer. Jim brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, passion and creative thinking to each project. Preferring a teamwork approach, Jim strives to inform and train his clients and their staff to run and maintain their own search and social media efforts.

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