Webcology #293 – Net Neutrality, Devaluing Links and the Return of SES

Airdate: May8 2014

Several companies (including Netflix and Google) oppose the FCC’s ‘Fast Lane’ proposal, Danny Sullivan weighs in on the return on SES and Matt Cutts says Google will not devalue links. Jim and Dave discuss this and more this week on Webcology.

Podcast: |

Webcology #292 – Expanding into Social Media Journalism

Airdate: May 1, 2014

Special guest Marty Weintraub joins Jim and Dave to discuss the new 5,000 square foot facility being built at his Duluth, Minnesota office. This facility will focus on multimedia production for Social Media Journalism.

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Webcology #291 – Welcome back, Dana Lookadoo

Airdate: April 24, 2014

Jim and Dave welcome a very special guest – Dana Lookadoo. Dana joins the show to discuss her catastrophic accident and her road to recovery. Laura Lippy joins the dicsussion as she auctions off two original paintings on eBay to raise funds for Dana’s treatments.

Other guests this week include Damien Patton from Ban.jo, a  social discovery app that provides provides real time content discovery  across multiple social networks. Thom Craver from Internet Marketing Ninjas also drops in to discuss some changes to Google Terminology.

This podcast was also featured on iHeartRadio, and can be found .

Podcast: |


Webcology #290 – Google penalizes another Guest Blog Network

Airdate: April 17, 2014

This week, Jim welcomes guests Kristine Shachinger, Dave Harry and Michelle Stinson Ross. Topics include Heartbleed, Social Media branding and whether or not breaking Google’s rules will result in better search results.


Podcast: |

Webcology #289 – Matt Cutts, Blocking KW Search Data and more

Airdate: April 10, 2014

It’s a busy week in the Webcology universe! Jim and Dave wax philosophical on several topics, including: how Google’s Matt Cutts knows 90% of your SEO questions, how Google took down seven Japanese link networks and the news that access to Paid Search Keyword Data is being blocked. Jim also introduces the Runnymede Robotics team, who are seeking funding to get to the FRC World Championships in St. Louis.

Podcast: |

Webcology #288 – ClickZ New York, April Fools from Google

Airdate: April 3, 2014

This week, Jim reports live from ClickZ  with the news of Mike Grehan’s resignation. Dave and Jim also discuss Google’s Pokemon-themed April Fool’s gag and PageRank.

Podcast: |

Webcology #287 – Social Media Analytics with Alan K’necht and Adam Proehl

Airdate: March 27, 2014

This week, Jim and Dave welcome DAM’s Alan K’Necht and Adam Proehl of NordicClick. Fresh from their successful presentation at PubCon NOLA, Adam and Alan discuss the importance of context when reporting metrics, getting people to care about your Social Media and why you never, ever let a young intern take over your Social initiatives.

Podcast: |

Google Makes Blogging Rules Murkier

The last week’s news of Google’s targeting of guest blogs should not have come as a surprise: Google’s Matt Cutts has been discussing the issue for the past two years, warning marketers that as recently as January 2014. But last week’s announcement that Google penalized ‘a guest blog network’ unfolded quickly when it was revealed that the network in question was actually . For the unfamiliar, MBG was created by Ann Smarty, currently the Community and Brand Manager of Internet Marketing Ninjas.

On his blog, Matt Cutts continues to explain and defend Google’s stance on targeting link-spamming guest blogs. Although he is correct in stating that guest blogging has become a source of poor linkbuilding strategy, targeting MBG was more about setting an example for the Digital Marketing world than actually improving the situation. It’s just a bit bitter that they targeted this site rather than go after those who flagrantly disregard current best practices. I’m curious to ask Matt that myself.


Simply put, Google isn’t differentiating between the communities within the SEO world. Instead of separating the black and grey hats from the white, they’ve painted us all with the same brush. Which is the actual problem: There are inherent differences between white and black-hat technical SEO. We have different methods, expectations and deliverables. But, frankly, it doesn’t seem like Google cares to differentiate between us. Besides, it’s Google: It is a leader, not a follower. Its job is to show us the path, and it’s our job to follow Google Standards – Whether we like it or not.

Is this penalty going to eliminate guest blogging? Probably not; most site owners who utilize guest blogging are at less risk than the networks themselves. And Matt isn’t against guest blogging: he fully states that a high-quality blogger can help drive traffic and increase reach. But he does differentiate between guest blogging and guest blogging for SEO purposes. Despite promising to make the process more transparent and easier to understand, there has been little done to make it abundantly clear what Google considers spammy SEO link building in Guest Blogging. And this lack of clarity is going to present a real challenge to the SEO and Digital Marketing community in the coming months. The only realistic solution seems to be continuing Guest Blogging – but very, VERY carefully.

Google is making it very clear that it values original, authentic content devoid of the standard SEO markers we as a community have come to expect. This only means that as the algorithms evolve, so must our expectations and practices. As content creators and curators, we have to become the front line of enforcing these new practices with our clients and colleagues. Gone are the days of heavy keyword inclusion and multiple links. It is our job as responsible SEO practitioners to educate other through our own words and through our own networks.


Posted in Bria Jordan - SEO by Jim Hedger. No Comments

Social Media Measurements – 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions

Social Media Analytics Presentation – PubCon New Orleans 2014

Last week at , Digital Always Media partner, Alan K’necht (@) teamed up with Adam Proehl (@), Managing Partner at for a joint presentation on analytics in social media. Rather than follow the conventional individual lecture format, Alan and Adam decided to deliver their presentation as a conversation between themselves and at times the audience. One Twitter commenter even compared them to legendary NPR CarTalk personalities Click and Clack. ( and are like the of social media.

Conference presentations are like concerts in that every lecture is a performance. It takes a lot of effort to prepare a good performance, especially one created to inform and educate an already well informed and educated audience. Some performances go well beyond expectations. This was one of them.

Most PubCon presentations are not recorded. The only way to see Alan and Adam stage a presentation like this one is to attend a conference where they are presenting it. According to feedback from Twitter and comments on blogs that covered the session, it was worth the price of attending the conference. Here are the slides from the presentation.

Here is some of the feedback from Twitter:
  • Virginia Nussey : @aknecht @adamproehl preso was interactive, entertaining and informative so wins all around #pubcon
  • Bruce Clay Inc : Oops! What is the measurement/signal that brands forget to think about? @ @ dish it out!
  • Kenny Davis : @aknecht @adamproehl Best segment at #pubcon.
  • Susan Whelan : Wait a minute, social media analytics and alcoholic prizes? This session is my dream come true! @aknecht #pubcon

Alan and Adam are available to present the “10 Most Frequently Asked Questions about Measuring Social Media” at conferences or as corporate training sessions. For more information please .

Webcology #286 – MyBlogGuest Publishers Receiving Google Penalties

Airdate: March 20, 2014

In the wake of Google Penalties, Jim and Dave welcome guest Ann Smarty from MyBlogGuest and Internet Marketing Ninjas to discuss Google’s Action Against MyBlogGuest.

Podcast: |

Conversion Optimziation at Pubcon NOLA

Conversion Rate Optimization

You may have figured out how to funnel traffic to your site, but are you monitoring user activity post-click? Learn how to keep the momentum going and encourage users to become more than just traffic � evolve them into conversions. This session will look at specific techniques to increase conversion rates.

Speakers: Chris Goward and Khalid Saleh

Posted in Uncategorized by Jim Hedger. No Comments

4 Pilars of Trust by Tim Ash – Keynote Pubcon

4 Pillars of Building Trust Online by Tim Ash – Keynote Pubcon


Posted in Uncategorized by Jim Hedger. No Comments

Google+ and Authorship – Hot Topics and Trends

Google+ and Authorship – Hot Topics and Trends

Identity and Google – how Google uses identity with SEO and the author tag

Panelists: Mark Traphagen @marktraphagen, Ann Smarty @seosmarty and Kristine Schachinger @schachin


Posted in Alan K'necht by Jim Hedger. No Comments

Pubcon NOLA Day 2 Keynote by Peter Shankman

Day 2 Pubcon Keynote – Peter Shankman

Author and angel investor , principal and co-founder at global consultancy Shankman | Honig, who will also present a major keynote address, and more than 150 other leading technology trendsetters at Pubcon New Orleans 2014 for an exploration of the future of social media, search and digital marketing.



Posted in Alan K'necht by Jim Hedger. No Comments

PubCon Day 1 Keynote – Kickoff Keynote with Robert Cialdini

Kickoff Keynote with Dr. Robert Cialdini

Dr. Robert Cialdini has spent his entire career researching the science of influence earning him an international reputation as an expert in the fields of persuasion, compliance, and negotiation.

His books including, Influence: Science & Practice, are the result of decades of peerreviewed research on why people comply with requests. Influence has sold over 2 million copies, is a New York Times Bestseller and has been published in twenty-seven languages.


Posted in Uncategorized by Jim Hedger. No Comments