SMX In-house SEO and Social Media: How to Work Together Tweet Summary

In-house SEO and Social Media: How to Work Together (#smx #34D)
SEO and Social can no longer operate in a silo now that social is part of ranking formulas. In this session you will learn how social media teams are working together to establish holistic strategies and how they handle day-to-day collaboration.

Moderator: , Founder, ()

Q&A Coordinator: , Director of Social Marketing, Digital Always Media ()


, Partner, Digital Always Media Inc. ()
Warren Lee, Global SEO manager, ADOBE Systems Inc.
, Senior Marketing Manager, Stroll ()

Posted in Uncategorized by Jim Hedger. No Comments

Social Media Clinic – SMX Live Tweets

Social Media Clinic (#smx #32E)
Got questions about how to deal with Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or other social media sites? We’ve got experts on hand ready to take specific questions from the audience.

Moderator: , Director of Audience Engagement, Search Engine Land and Marketing Land ()


Clayburn Griffin, Organic Search Director, Catalyst
, Director of Social Marketing, Digital Always Media ()

Posted in Alan K'necht by Jim Hedger. No Comments

Authorship: Step-By-Step & Troubleshooting SMX – Live Tweeting

Authorship: Step-By-Step & Troubleshooting
Authorship – the ability of a search engine to recognize and associate an author with his/her published work – has emerged as an important ranking factor and a way that search engines combat spam. Our experts will explain how to properly set up authorship to trigger author headshots and related rich snippets in search results, and discuss common authorship implementation errors and how to correct them.

Moderator: , Director of Audience Development, Third Door Media, Inc. ()

Q&A Coordinator: , Director of Digital Outreach, Virante, Inc. ()


, Director of SEO and Social Media, Advance Digital ()
, President and CEO, Search Mojo ()
, Webmaster Trends Analyst, Google ()
, Executive Director of Search, Social Media, ABC News ()

Posted in Alan K'necht Conferences by Jim Hedger. No Comments

Top Social Tactics For Search Marketers

Top Social Tactics For Search Marketers (#smx #21A) Integrating your search and social media efforts can dramatically improve results, but where do you start? Speakers in this “speed-round” session will share their favorite authority-building social tips for search, including using Facebook, Open Graph technology, Google+, Twitter and more.

Moderator: , Director of Audience Engagement, Search Engine Land and Marketing Land () Q&A Coordinator: , Director of Social Marketing, Digital Always Media () Speakers: , Associate Creative Director, aimClear () , Link Building Specialist, Alliance-Link () , Director of Digital Outreach, Virante, Inc. ()
Posted in Alan K'necht Conferences by Jim Hedger. No Comments

Keynote Conversation: Richard Alfonsi, Twitter

Keynote Conversation: Richard Alfonsi, Twitter

When events happen in the world, the conversations around those moments unfold on Twitter. Marketing has always been about winning the “now” moment, and Twitter lets marketers be part of those moments the instant they happen because of its live, unfiltered, public, and widely distributed nature. , vice president of global online sales for Twitter, will talk with Search Engine Land founding editor  about topics ranging from Twitter’s latest ad opportunities, including the ability to target people who are tweeting about TV shows as they watch, tapping into trends as they unfold on Twitter, and of course, ways search marketers can use interests and keyword-targeting to reach the right audience at the right time.

Richard Alfons: @ralfonsi

#SMX Glass Act: Search Marketers Talk Google Glass

Google is slowly making its revolutionary wearable device available, and some marketers who have had “heads-on” experience with Glass will provide a live demo, and then discuss the ramifications of this new way of interacting with the internet, from how it changes search behavior to SEO implications to all-important privacy concerns. There’ll be plenty of time for Q&A, so come armed with your own questions!

Moderator: , VP, Marketing Insights, ExactTarget ()

Q&A Coordinator: , Vice President of Technology, Third Door Media, Inc. ()


, VP, Marketing Insights, ExactTarget ()
, Principal Technologist, REVA Digital Media LLC ()
, Editor In Chief, Search Engine Land & Marketing Land ()
, News Editor, Search Engine Land, RustyBrick ()
, Founding Editor, Search Engine Land ()


Life Beyond Google: Diversifying Your Digital Marketing

Life Beyond Google: Diversifying Your Digital Marketing (#smx #12B)
Google’s making life difficult for SEOs: constant algorithm updates, erosion of SERP real estate, PLAs and the knowledge graph all crowd out organic results. These new realities make driving traffic from other sources a priority. Attend this session for tactics for increasing organic traffic from other search engines, social media, video, and other sources.

Moderator: , Editor In Chief, Search Engine Land & Marketing Land ()

Q&A Coordinator: , President, Search Influence ()


, Director of Strategic Distribution Services, Magnet Media ()
, Senior Account Manager, 97th Floor ()
, Principal, Coconut Headphones ()

Posted in Alan K'necht Conferences by Jim Hedger. No Comments

#SMX Boot Camp: Keyword Research & Copywriting For Search Success

The first step to any successful marketing campaign is to know your message. With search marketing that means understanding the search terms being used by your target audience. And though it sounds obvious, it helps to actually use those words in your web pages! This session covers the importance of textual content to search engines and how with some forethought, you can create HTML title tags and body copy that works to generate search traffic – and also please your human visitors.

Moderator: , President, Alliance-Link ()


, President, KeyRelevance ()

Posted in Alan K'necht Conferences by Jim Hedger. No Comments

#SMX East – New York, New York What a Wonderful Town

NYC, the city that never sleeps, is the next stop on the Digital Always Media Fall Conference tour.  It took a plane, a train, and some fancy footwork, but this blogger has already hit the streets and seen the sights. Now we are ready to bring you the live-blogging goodness from .


This is a busy week with two members of the DAM team presenting and coordinating Q & A.

On Wednesday, October 2, I will be the Q & A Coordinator for “Top Social Tactics For Search Marketers,” featuring , Associate Creative Director, aimClear (), , Link Building Specialist, Alliance-Link (), and , Director of Digital Outreach, Virante, Inc. () 

Then on Thursday, October 3, Alan K’necht will be a part of the panel on “In-House SEO and Social Media,” with Warren Lee, Global SEO manager, ADOBE Systems Inc. and , Senior Marketing Manager, Stroll ()

Also on Thursday I will be taking audience questions about Social Media Marketing along with Clayburn Griffin, Organic Search Director at Catalyst during the Social Media Clinic session.

Before the conference gets underway, be sure to follow along with on Monday, Sept. 30th at 9PM Eastern for an SMX conference preview. Alan K’necht (@) and I will be chatting with Annalise Kaylor () of aimClear about her top social tactics and the value of continuing professional development. We will also be continuing our post-chat hangout series with special on-location coverage of the conference.

Along with our speaking duties, Alan and I will be live tweeting several sessions. You can follow the coverage via Twitter by following ,  , and , and general conference chatter on the official conference hashtag, .

When my fingers aren’t flying, I will be chatting up fellow speakers for as a roving conference reporter. If there’s someone you’d like to hear interviewed, be sure to let us know.

Founding Partner, Alan K’necht will also be speaking at , and the whole DAM team will be moderating and speaking at . Follow the DAM blog to keep up with all the latest education and training from these top-flight conferences.

Posted in Conferences Michelle Stinson Ross by Jim Hedger. No Comments

Webcology Episode #263 – Matt Cutts, G+ #hashtag support, guests Michelle Stinson-Ross and Thom Craver

Webcology Episode #263 – Matt Cutts, G+ #hashtag support, guests Michelle Stinson-Ross and Thom Craver

Airdate: September 26, 2013

Does Google Penalize For Invalid HTML? Matt Cutts Says No ; Google #search adds hashtag support, but only for G+. Michelle Stinson-Ross from digital Always Media is back to explain. Bing gets a redesign and a logo change. eBay Confirms Acquisition of Global Payments Innovator Braintree for 800 million dollars. Search Engine Watch reporter Thom Craver discusses how Google has locked up Keyword Data and moved Entirely to Secure Search.

Podcast: |

On Google Keyword Data, an open letter to clients


For nearly two years Digital Always Media has been adapting to and lecturing about significant changes in the search engine marketing environment. Our clients and readers might have noticed a change in our language over the last year as we’ve talked less about keyword related placements and more about volume and quality of web traffic. Since 2011, Google has limited keyword usage data available to webmasters and website owners. As of today, Google has removed all keyword usage data with the exception of paid search keyword data and a very limited amount of keyword data available through Google WebmasterTools.

Read the rest of On Google Keyword Data, an open letter to clients

Posted in Analytics Jim Hedger - SEO by Jim Hedger. 1 Comment

Webcology Episode #262 – Disavowing 35k links in Google, The limitations of G+ shares, and guest Michelle Stinson-Ross

Webcology Episode #262 – Disavowing 35k links in Google, The limitations of G+ shares, and guest Michelle Stinson-Ross

Airdate: September 19, 2013

What Happens When You Disavow 35,000 Links In Google? New Study Finds Google+ Shares Don’t Cause Higher Search Rankings. Also, Jim and Dave welcome Michelle Stinson-Ross from Digital Always Media to give us takeaways from SES San Francisco 2013.

Podcast: |

Knowledge and Experience Can Prevent Massive Mistakes

Facebook removed an advertiser this week. In a swift and very public move, advertising from an affiliate marketing website promoting Internet dating sites, Registered to an office in Luxemburg, advertised in over 35 countries, including Canada and the United States. The two page website provided information and links to Internet dating sites, receiving payment each time a visitor it drove to a dating site purchased an account. Ads for the affiliate site were removed from Facebook for using images of a beautiful young woman named Rehtaeh Parsons alongside text reading, “Find love in Canada”. It was an unforgivable error made by an inexperienced webmaster, a mistake that cost him his business.


Read the rest of Knowledge and Experience Can Prevent Massive Mistakes

Social Media Coffee Hangout

Watch the Social Media Coffee Hangout with Michelle and Debbie right here. I bet they discuss Michelle’s recent conference appearance 🙂

Posted in Conferences by Jim Hedger. No Comments

#SESSF Innovative Branded Content

Innovative Branded Content Campaigns to Drive Engagement


Social Media is incredibly diverse, and there are three options people have when engaging with it: they can consume it, connect with it, or create it. Dave poses the question, what are people doing with your content, and did this happen – because your strategic planning or by accident? In this talk, Dave will provide valuable insight on meaningful ways build campaigns shape your brand and drive targeted consumer engagement. This talk will challenge listeners to build bigger and better campaigns that will increase engagement, and give them the tools to do so. Dave will discuss:

  • Examples of the most – and least – effective engagement practices of popular campaigns from brands such as Pepsi, AXE, Dos Equis and Evian.
  • What consumption, connection and creation look like in practice, and which is best for YOUR brand.
  • What will the future of integrated marketing look like?

, Director of Audience Development, AOL Inc.

, Co-Founder, Chute
, Partner/Strategic Planning, redpepper

Posted in Conferences Michelle Stinson Ross by Jim Hedger. No Comments