Gary Illes from Google does a Reddit AMA

Happy Valentine’s Day.

In this episode we discuss a Reddit AMA Google’s Gary Illes conducted covering,

  • Robots.txt
  • Rank brain
  • Behavioural signals
  • Image and video search
  • more…

Also, Google now consolidates data under canonical URL in Search Console, and changes a number of metrics while it’s at it.

Can’t Buy Likes – Yoast Adds Live Indexing

Another news update show in another busy week in search and tech.

  • A court has essentially outlawed the buying and selling of Facebook likes or other social media recommendations in a judgement against American firm, Devumi.
  • The chief executive of cryptocurrency company Quadriga CX has died. He was the only person with the password to a digital wallet containing over $180million worth of cryptocurrencies.
  •  Yoast SEO, will provide live indexing with both Google and Bing starting next month.
  • A short talk about a ten year old controversy.

Removing old sitemaps – Google adds voice search

Google offers fairly simple albeit roundabout instruction on removing pesky old sitemaps. Google adds vocal search results and metrics for vocal search

Google My Mobile Business – Google Lightbox – Google Labour Problems

Yet another heavy newsweek in tech

  • Google allows mobile businesses entry into Google My Business program by allowing them to specify service areas. Previously businesses required a solid street address for inclusion
  • Google testing a video lightbox to display video in mobile search results
  • Google asks National Labor Board to nullify an Obama era rule allowing workers to use company facilities to organize and pass information. This comes in relation to the Google strike earlier this year where workers walked off the job over the company’s alleged preferential treatment of male execs accused of sexual harassment.

Advertising Legend Terry O’Reilly on Gillette and Nike

Today was a special show. We were joined by Canadian advertising legend, Terry O’Reilly, host of CBC’s Under the Influence and Age of Persuasion. Terry talked about the recent Gillette and Nike social action commercials.

Protect Net Neutrality

The Internet is the single greatest business resource and wealth generator invented by humans. Help protect it. Contact your elected representative and tell them you respect those who respect Net Neutrality.

Posted in Uncategorized by Jim Hedger. No Comments

Danny Sullivan Retires – Digital Knowledge for the Intelligence Era

Danny Sullivan Retires – Digital Knowledge for the Intelligence Era

Air Date: June 29, 2017


Kristine Schachinger joins me to talk about the news of the week, including:

  • Danny Sullivan announced his quasi-retirement earlier this week. Danny is widely regarded as the Godfather of the SEO industry. Danny is the founder of Search Engine Land and Marketing Land, and the SMX conference series. He also founded Search Engine Watch and the SEW conference series. After 21 years of running sites and covering search marketing he said it was time for a change. Danny will act as an adviser to Third Door Media, the company Danny founded with Chris Sherman and Sean Moriarty which publishes Search Engine Land, Digital Marketing Depot, Marketing Land, and MarTech Today, and produces the SMX and MarTech conferences.
  • ALSO: The European Union slaps Google with a record €2.4 billion ($2.7 billion) antitrust fine. The European Commission found that the U.S. tech giant denied “consumers a genuine choice” by using its search engine to unfairly steer them to its own shopping platform. Regulators said that Google must change its behavior within 90 days or face additional penalties.



Interview with Duane Forrester VP of Industry Insights – Yext

Interview with Duane Forrester VP of Industry Insights – Yext

Air Date: June 22, 2017

Duane Forrester, VP of Industry Insigts, Yext

Today on Webcology we were joined by Duane Forrester, VP of Industry Insights at Yext. Duane has had a storied career in SEO but he is still best known as the former technical spokesperson for Microsoft’s search engine Bing. Now Duane is working with agency tool set Yext as Vice President of Industry Insights. Duane is also author of two business books about digital marketing and conversion optimization, published by McGraw-Hill. He came on Webcology to talk about how the launch of the Yext App Directory makes it easeir for brands to structure digital knowledge for the Intelligent Era. A most interesting conversation with a seriously interesting guy.

Posted in Uncategorized by Jim Hedger. No Comments

SEO for Personal Assistant Devices

Air date: April 6, 2017

The show covered a wide range of topics including:

  • Personalized Assistant Devices and SEO

    “The future is PASO (Personal Assistance Search Optimization) – John E. Lincoln. Digital marketers should know where PAs get their information. If you accept the premise that the future of SEO is all about PAs and personal assistant search optimization, then you should be asking yourself the following question: “Where do PAs get all their information?””

  • Google’s Mobile first index is unlikely to launch before 2018 according to Google engineer Gary Illyes speaking at the Next10conf in Boston.
  • Its time to update the SEO Periodic Table. Every 2 years Search Engine Land updates the table and it is asking SEOs to participate in this year’s survey.


Significant Privacy Concerns in the New Era of Technology

Air date: March 30, 2017

Another wide ranging conversation this week with Jim and Dave discussing:

  • how the Trump Administration and Republican Congress are allowing ISPs to monitor, manipulate, and sell your private information – from financial, medical, social security number, browsing history, mobile app usage, content of emails and online chats to third parties that place the highest big without your consent and with no opt-out feature and how Canada is taking a different approach in this matter.
  • They then discuss Kelsey Jones leaving Search Engine Journal to focus on her own business, MoxieDot and StoryShout.
  • They follow up with the now free Google Optimize 360 and the impact of A/B testing,
  • and how Google Home is integrating new features like August, Wink, LIFX, TP-link, Rachio, and Vivint. Jim and Dave talk more on the new era of technology and how 2018 will be so different from the world we know today in 2017.
Posted in Uncategorized by Jim Hedger. No Comments

ClickZ Dies – On the death of SES – ClickZ

Sad but not unexpected news in the industry today as the granddaddy of major search marketing conferences, Search Engine Strategies died quietly with no public announcement. Founded in 1999, SES brought search engines and webmasters or site-owners together. For many older members of the SEO community, myself included, SES was the space where they caught their first breaks. The conference built itself into a major three ring circus touring the globe to crowded conference centers and vibrant tradeshow floors. When the roadshow rolled into NYC, four floors of conference center floorspace was needed to hold the hundreds of vendors and booths.

The conference was started by Danny Sullivan who was also founding editor of Search Engine Watch. Sullivan left SEW and SES in a contract dispute after the online magazine and conference series was sold to Incisive Media by MecklerMedia for 43million in 2005. Danny left to form ThirdDoor Media, Search Engine Land (and ancillary publications), and the extraordinary Search Marketing Expo series. For seven years, there was a healthy rivalry between the two operations with Incisive Media and ThirdDoor complimenting each other and providing two competing platforms in the online magazine and digital conference business.

The day I knew it was over was the day Mike Grehan resigned on the spot at the start of the New York show in 2014, about ten minutes before his opening speech. SES announced their pay-to-play strategy at that show aimed at enticing brands to take the stage without pesky practitioners speaking beside them. This was done in order to increase the perceived value of the conference series in advance of a sale to French conglomerate Blenheim Chalcot.

Things sort of went to hell from that point on. Search Engine Watch has been rudderless and the ClickZ shows reduced to fulfilling contractual obligations. The granddaddy of search conferences is dead and its media publication is likely not far behind.

Posted in Conferences Jim Hedger - SEO by Jim Hedger. No Comments

Webcology #402 – The Four Daily Habits of Successful SEOs

The Four Daily Habits of Successful SEOs

Air Date: August 11, 2016


Dave Davies and I discuss our own SEO work habits following an article in Search Engine Land by John E. Lincoln titled . Here are John’s four essential habits, with some of our ideas added on.

  1. Study (the news like crazy). I generally spend the first hour or so every morning reading industry news over coffee. There are several publications in the SEO/SEM space. John mentions a number in his piece. He didn’t mention a few I’d recommend like , , and .
  2. Review what’s working with analytics and ranking tools. That’s generally good advice. Before working on anything, get a sense of where things stand now or if you suddenly need to reprioritize your day.
  3. Act, don’t just talk. That basically says it I guess. .
  4. Improve your skills and sites. Real SEOs get their hands dirty deep in code, css, and script. Knowing how to strip down and rebuild a site is critical to knowing how to make that site work better.

We also talked over a whollop of Google stuff but lead the second segment with the news that AOL and Arianna are parting ways:

  • Arianna Huffington  from HuffPost. Huffington said the new health and wellness company she is launching, Thrive Global, demands her full-time attention. Thrive will start sometime in November.
  • Links still Crucial, as  in Search Engine Land
  • Google Brain team  in a massive AMA at Reddit (during our live air-time, Thursdays 2pmET)
  • Google Ranking Factors 2016 edition
    – Content & Links Are the Two Most Important Ranking Signals. RankBrain – Third Most Important Factor.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR) is Not a Ranking Factor
  • Google Confirms 301, 302, 3xx redirects Do Not Lose PageRank Value
  • Google Updates Search Quality Guidelines

Webcology #401 – Google Giveth and Google Taketh Away?

Google Giveth and Google Taketh Away?

Air date: August 4, 2016


It was a busy week in search, at least as related to Google. We had, in no particular order:

  • Google’s possible  of last week’s algorithm update
  • No loss of PageRank for any 
  • How Google Treats  in 2016
  • Singular and plural words can be different in 
  • Disavow file and manual action reinclusion requests have to be on 
  • AMP in general 
  • AMP pages no longer need structured data to be valid in 
  • Explaining 

In other news, Instagram introduced a new  that copies Snapchat and might be extremely detrimental to Snapchat’s health.

Catch this Webcology episode on Soundcloud

Webcology #400 – Machine Learning and Trying to Predict Google Rankings

Machine Learning and Trying to Predict Google Rankings

Air date: July 21, 2016



Jim Hedger and Dave Davies speak with JR Oakes, Director of Strategy for , an agency that specializes in online marketing for law firms throughout the United States and internationally. JR wrote a piece in Search Engine Land on machine learning, “”.

Listen to Webcology on Soundcloud

Webcology #399 – WME Training founder David Ogletree

WME Training founder David Ogletree on AdWords, Pay per Click, and SEO

Air date: July 14, 2016

News round-up:

  • Air BnB taking  out of communities
  • –  • WTF?
    • Marketing boom for small businesses with lures or gyms
    • Amazing for augmented reality applications.
  • Will Penguin Ever Launch?
    •  at SE RoundTable
  • Pop-ups as?
    • Coining of a new word, Muellerbe (Maybe, as implied by John Mueller)
  • Google’s new Showcase Shopping feature to in new and improved ways.


David Ogletree

David Ogletree, founder of

David Ogletree is a Google and Bing-certified Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising analyst, consultant, and trainer. With over 13 years of experience in the search engine marketing (SEM) industry, Dave brings an extensive knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO), PPC, and computer training to his unique online course offerings. In addition to teaching and developing course work and other programs, Dave continues to work as a high-level consultant for various businesses and organizations, small to large, throughout the United States and beyond. You can find out more about Dave’s consulting work and the various projects he takes on by going to our consulting page. (bio from

Dave Davies and I spoke with David Ogletree about WME Training, the state of AdWords and PPC marketing, and his opinions on SEO in 2016. David has a long and respected history in the search marketing industry. His insights on paid search marketing are invaluable to PPC practitioners and advertisers.