COVID19 Update

The business of the world has been interrupted for the past few months by the Covide19 pandemic. As we move through the crisis the business of the Internet continues. The Internet is likely to be the most stable business environment for the foreseeable future. For small businesses that were already struggling in the brick and mortar world, the consumer shutdown is going to hurt so much that many won’t be able to survive.

This post was written ten weeks after the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic and the world wisely shut its doors. It has taken this long for me to get my own sense of what the near future might be like and how Digital Always Media will be able to provide services moving forward.

We will have to find new ways of conducting business in the coming months. It is most likely the disease will haunt us for several months before a vaccine or some other means of controlling the spread becomes widely available. The obvious venue is digital. As we move forward, digital will probably be the safest, easiest, and most stable way to reach current and potential customers or clients.

Our job is to make you visible in what had already become a very crowded environment. DAM drives up traffic to your website through effective organic search marketing. More importantly, we can help you in find other digital specialists to build, manufacture, market, and move your goods, service, or products.

Jim Hedger

Jim Hedger is an organic SEO and digital marketing specialist. Jim has been involved in the online marketing industry since 1998 and a SEO since 1999. Best known as a broadcaster, interviewer, content writer and search industry commentator, Jim is a frequent conference speaker and organizer. He hosts the search focused radio show Webcology on WebmasterRadio.FM and is a WebmasterRadio.FM conference interviewer. Jim brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, passion and creative thinking to each project. Preferring a teamwork approach, Jim strives to inform and train his clients and their staff to run and maintain their own search and social media efforts.

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