Don’t Leave Your SEO in the Hands of Amateurs – LinkedIn Xpost

Alan published a strong piece at LinkedIn yesterday, “”. In it, he recounts a quick story about a Digital Always Media client who approached us after well-intentioned but poorly informed mistake cost them all their Google traffic. Here is an excerpt from the article.

A company (now a new client) took it upon themselves to implement SSL (switched their website to secured) an SEO technique based on something they had read in August. From what they read they thought it could help with rankings and would drive more organic search traffic from Google.

Result of their efforts was that organic search traffic virtually drops to ZERO both from Google and Bing even the number of times they were appearing in the search results (the blue line in the graphic) bottomed out at below 500.. After 2 weeks of almost no traffic, I got the call to help figure out what was wrong.

To read more of this article, please .

Jim Hedger

Jim Hedger is an organic SEO and digital marketing specialist. Jim has been involved in the online marketing industry since 1998 and a SEO since 1999. Best known as a broadcaster, interviewer, content writer and search industry commentator, Jim is a frequent conference speaker and organizer. He hosts the search focused radio show Webcology on WebmasterRadio.FM and is a WebmasterRadio.FM conference interviewer. Jim brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, passion and creative thinking to each project. Preferring a teamwork approach, Jim strives to inform and train his clients and their staff to run and maintain their own search and social media efforts.

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