Facebook Contest Changes – HoA with Annalise Kaylor

Hangout on Air LogoFacebook changes the rules again. Many community managers greeted the Facebook contest changes with delight. No longer will Facebook require the use of a 3rd party app to run a contest on a brand’s Facebook page. Likes, comments, and shares can constitute as a valid contest entry. This news isn’t as good as it might appear on the surface. I recently spoke with , about her thoughts on the changes and where brands will need to proceed with caution.

I am one of the people who is wholeheartedly against this idea. To be honest, I am surprised at how many think it’s a GOOD idea. Sure, apps like Wildfire and Offerpop and Agorapulse cost some money and that is not always ideal for the bottom line, but there is SO much more at stake here than just a handful of dollars thrown the way of a third party.




Areas of Concern:

  • Can you easily verify that all of the entrants are of legal age?
  • Is the contest legal for fans in various geolocations?
  • Does your contest conform to sweepstakes laws in each state?

Facebook Contest Apps:

Large-Scale Enterprise Contest:

  • Legal Concerns
    • Winner Notification
    • Fulfillment – Tax Obligations
    • Easily Accessible Rules
  • Entry Processing
    • Are images appropriate?
    • Who is responsible for responding to entries?

Contest Key Performance Indicators, what are you getting from your contest?

  • Growing your email list
  • Brand awareness
  • Blog and Social links
  • Market feedback

If you have questions or concerns about how the affect the way your business operates on Facebook, please feel free to contact us.

Jim Hedger

Jim Hedger is an organic SEO and digital marketing specialist. Jim has been involved in the online marketing industry since 1998 and a SEO since 1999. Best known as a broadcaster, interviewer, content writer and search industry commentator, Jim is a frequent conference speaker and organizer. He hosts the search focused radio show Webcology on WebmasterRadio.FM and is a WebmasterRadio.FM conference interviewer. Jim brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, passion and creative thinking to each project. Preferring a teamwork approach, Jim strives to inform and train his clients and their staff to run and maintain their own search and social media efforts.

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