Mar 14
is one of the most popular conventions in the industry for obvious reasons. With the joie de vivre of Bourbon Street spilling into the sessions, it’s as much of an opportunity to learn as it is to relax with some of the brightest personalities in the SEO world.
Alas, not all of us are able to attend. I had the rare treat of seeing DAM’s own Alan K’necht and co-presenter, ‘s Adam Proehl do a run through of their session, .
“Adam and I have the same dry humour, which is great. You can have an informative presentation but still keep it fresh and interesting”, says Alan K’necht.
Informative and punctuated by the dry humour that’s a staple of their presentation styles, the big difference is that they will be presenting their slideshow concurrently. Most conference sessions are run as panels or in a questions and answers format. Alan and Adam will be delivering their presentation together.
Despite the fact the session is one of the last of the conference; it will be an entertaining but practical walk through the practicalities of Social Media measurement. Tackling the top 10 questions about measuring Social Media can help both established and emerging Social Media Marketers.
“I hope that people who attend our session will walk away with a better understanding of what the social channels can do for their business and how they should be measuring success.”, says Adam of the upcoming presentation. “We’ll review some examples and give some very practical advice that they can actually use.”
So what should you expect from this presentation? Some of the topics covered will include:
- The importance of context when reporting your metrics
- The dangers of allowing a young intern to manage your Social Media
- How to get people to care about your social media efforts
You can find Social Media Analytics in Salon C on Thursday, March 20th from 1:30 â 3:00 p.m