You’re only as good as you know you are.
The problem is you might not know what you need to know.
Get an in depth review of your organization’s digital marketing performance. Digital Always Media forensic audits provide detailed code and analytic data reviews to give a detailed picture of your digital marketing efforts. Find out if you’re reaching your desired audience or if you need to refocus your efforts.
Web Analytics Audits
Are your analytic tools properly configured to provide you with quality data? Do they give you insights and actionable items to propel your digital marketing efforts forward or are they pushing you on the wrong path?
Our audit reviews each aspect of your web analtyics tools from the implemented tracking codes to tagging, filters, and overall configuration. We also look at report configurations and reporting frequency to ensure your organization is examining the right information in order to make the right decisions.
When it comes to digital analytics it’s important to measure only the right data and our audits ensure that our clients are doing just that. As a result of audits many of our clients see an increase in the accuracy of their data in realm of 20 to 100%.
Search Engine Optimization Audit
Is your website producing search rankings that generate quality traffic that increase sales/leads? Find out the things you need to do to achieve stronger visibility with a DAM SEO Audit.
Our SEO Audits provide a full and detailed review and report on your website. SEO audits cover site structure, meta data, body content, navigation, links, and server configuration.
DAM provides both a basic and an in-depth audit. Both can be customized to meet your budget requirements.